Friday, April 23, 2004
Thirst for revenge isn't a good thing
Apr 23 2004 11:09 am
>Thirst for revenge is good sometimes. It helps you get through things.
Until the judge doesn't rule your way.
Thirst for revenge isn't a good thing no matter how the judge rules, though. It's always a distraction from the goal. That's why it always leaves ashes in your mouth. When you get it, you realize it wasn't what you wanted after all.
Apr 24 2004 11:08 am
In other words, you are engaged in the war and just as shitty as she is for fighting in it.
I am not feeling that kind of revenge. I mentioned that i was feeling *Sweet Revenge*. "Smug", "Cocky", "Told You So", "You Made The Bed", etc.
I'm still reeling over Melissa's common sense remark. I've noticed lately that the older I get, the more I think about things one of my SsIL has said to me over the years. She just throws these lines away, over her shoulder while she's searching for pink clothes in discount stores, and I hear them years later.
When I read this thread, I hear her saying "Well, you become what you hate."
I'm going to call her and tell her I love her.