Saturday, March 06, 2004
Not all opinions are equally valid
Mar 6 2004 12:26 am
*IMO*, and that's all it's ever been, an opinion, which is just as valid as the opinion of anyone else here
Whoa. You are certainly entitled to your opinion as much as anyone else. Validity is an entirely different matter.
Mar 06 2004 9:03 am
I disagree. *Everyone's* opinion is valid. that's why it's called *opinion*. Lori
That makes absolutely no sense to me. People have opinions about everything. Some are well thought out, carefully considered. Some are based on experience. Some are nutty shit that people come up with off the top of their heads.
Maybe you are using a definition of "valid" that is unique to you. An opinion is "valid" if it's sound, cogent, logical, well-reasoned, related to fact. Other opinions may be formulated in ignorance, without much reasoning or consideration. Maybe they are knee-jerk reactions to fears. Maybe they are simply necessary to the individual to support a shaky belief structure.