Tuesday, February 03, 2004
Food has lost all its convenience
Feb 03 2004 8:56 am
Everyone has some power. We have the power to choose carefully what we buy and who we vote for at the very least.
My life is defined by choosing food lately. Have I mentioned this here? The supermarkets are still on strike, and I'd prefer to die without ever having crossed a picket line, so I lost the stores where I did 80-90% of my food shopping. 7-11 is doing great. But Lee, my precious child, is a vegetarian, and they don't carry tofu. Dairy products have to come from animals treated humanely. Not a problem, we can get organic cagefree eggs at the farmers market on the other side of town on Sundays. Unfortunately, they don't carry organic cheese and milk, which I get at the food coop on the other other side of town.
Then there's the low carb diet and the braces to factor in. Food has lost all its convenience. There is nowhere to dash out and grab something anymore. There's nothing to keep around the house to snack on.