Friday, September 18, 1998


Smaller classes make a phenomenal difference

Sep 18 1998 12:00 am

I don't know where those involved in this thread are located, exactly, but I'm in San Diego Ca. Ca is supposedly one of the lowest rated states in the nation for schooling. But. I have been reading to, and teaching my daughters how to read, since they were each 2+. Jess is now in 1st grade, after one year of teaching in kindergarten. She was, and remains, enthralled. With the whole process. She's never displayed boredom at school, only excitement at the prospect of another day there. Learning is a joy to her, and it's obvious. First thing she does upon arrival at home is her homework. With diligence and care.

I think it has helped for me to be involved in the school, there a lot, and praising those around her in charge. She has a healthy respect for all involved. I don't focus on whether she's smarter than, less than, or anything. Just at the joy of learning. It's worked so far!

I know many people that wish to denigrate "the system", seemingly to me sometimes, just because. I have only praise and thanks for the school and teachers in my daughter's life so far.

I'm in San Diego, too. I am very happy with the education my daughter is getting. She has the most wonderful teacher in the world. An earlier teacher was mediocre, though. I believe that the school principal is key. When class size was reduced, ours explained that she was responsible or hiring incoming staff.

You're lucky that your girls are coming into the system now. They will benefit from smaller classes. Most kids my daughter's age are still in classes of 36 and always will be. She is in a class with 19 now, and the difference is phenomenal.


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