Friday, September 18, 1998
Show me the evidence
Sep 18 1998 12:00 am
[Cites, please.]
This is no flippin courtroom. Let's talk english, eh? I don't care if you're a barrister, or even really edumacated.
And, you really a NOW attorney?
That's English. It has been for over 500 years. If you don't know what the word "cite" means, you can just march over to your dictionary and look it up, young man. I'll make it easy for you:
Leyton said:
My stats? Statistics Canada. ABC News has reported the same stats, so have several other special interest groups and news magazines.
What am I supposed to do, just believe it because he said so? I need to know where to go to find out where he got his information. Although I am sure it has never happened to you, Peter, I find that I am sometimes wrong. I find this true of others, as well. I also find that people tend to hear, see, and remember what supports their position.
I know damned well that no one searched through all the divorce and custody files in all the counties in all the states to tabulate results for Leyton's statistics. Maybe Canadian courts have a different record-keeping system. Maybe Leyton's statistics are right. But they don't mean jack to me coming from Leyton.
And you know, what? I don't believe for one second that you believe everything you read on usenet either. You know you consider the source just as I do. You don't have to be in a courtroom to want proof.
P.S. No, I'm not a NOW attorney. I never said I was any kind of attorney.