Tuesday, August 04, 1998


How conservatives are made

Aug 4 1998

First off, I understand that language is living and growing, and that its pronunciation and grammatical constructs must change with needs of its speakers. That said, you've got to have some sympathy for the original poster here. One day he pronounces a word as it has been pronounced for as long as he knows, and someone with a newer version of the pronunciation tells him that he is wrong.

This sort of thing can instantly make a conservative of you. I still remember the day that someone told me that forte was pronounced "for-tay. I took French for five years; I knew how to pronounce the damned word. I don't care if people want to pronounce often with a 't,' or long-lived with a short 'i'. Hell, I can even take, "between you and I." I just don't want people correcting me without some basis beyond their own usage.

I'll put away the soap box now.


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