Wednesday, July 01, 1998
Just go ahead and file for divorce
July 1 1998
I wonder if I may get some advice? Let me tell you my situation. I'm a father of a 16yr old son from my first marriage. I have been remarried for 10yrs and have a 3mo old daughter with my second wife. My son moved in with us 7mos ago. The problem is my wife and son not getting along. I must say, the son is a very good kid, never in trouble, and excellent grades. I'm not just saying that because he is my son. My wife is an excellent mother to our daughter. She is also very quick tempered, and hard to have a civilized conversation with. The problem is, the minute she see's him she goes into a list of complaints. Everything from not cleaning his room (which we corrected), to silly stuff like fingerprints on the microwave and the floor cracking when he walks. His reply to these sometimes ridiculus complaints sometimes is your typical 16yr old "huh?" Then the fighting starts! She says he won't listen to her and goes into a fit. She's upset that I bought him a car. She's pissed at him when he's home. She's pissed at him when he stays away all day till late at night. You get the idea, she's pissed at him no matter what he does. So my main problem is, how do I find a way for these two to get along? I sure don't want to raise a little girl in this type of environment? Any help would be much appreciated!
Look, you obviously have already sided with your son over your wife. Just go ahead and file for divorce.
P.S. You should have asked her before he moved in.