Monday, June 08, 1998


There is nothing like a mutt from the pound

June 8 1998

We are in need of a dog, and I'd like any advice on good breeds for families.

There is nothing like a mutt from the pound.

Several friends of mine have had white labs, AKA golden labs. They are the same size as black labs. They always seem to me to be exceptionally well suited to family life. They are loyal, friendly, protective, and even-tempered. They are big enough to be "real" dogs, but not too big. They will play fetch and frisbee with the boys. They also have short hair.

As an aside, I think medium to large dogs with a mild temperament are best for kids the ages of yours. Smaller dogs can get really intimidated and snappy with boys going through that testosterone surge.

Also these dogs are enough like golden retrievers that the new one would be your husband's idea of what a dog should be. But they are different enough that he would not feel he was replacing the dog he is still grieving for.


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