Friday, June 19, 1998


Child support, and the cost of raising kids

June 19 1998

I didn't think people could be jailed in this country because of their financial debts and that's what is happening. They own money they can't or won't pay and are being jailed. What's the difference between these men and old debtor's prisons?

You don't get jailed for owing money. The crime is intentionally disobeying a court order. As I understand it, before it issues the child support order, the court finds that you owe the money AND that you have the ability to pay. You bring in all your tax returns and other financial papers, and the judge decides what you can and should pay per week or month. If your financial situation changes, you can go back into court and have the order amended.

I believe (and I certainly could be wrong) that debtors' prisons were abolished because people were jailed whether or not they had any ability to pay. Once people were confined, they could not leave until they paid the money. Nowadays, if people get too far in debt, they can declare bankruptcy. I don't know whether past due child support is dischargeable in bankruptcy.

I clipped the following from:

the Child Support Recovery Act of 1992, Title 18, United States Code, Section 228, which makes it a Federal offense for willfully failing to pay a past due support obligation with respect to a child who resides in another state, when the past due support either exceeds $5000 or remains unpaid for longer than a year.

I am in favor of the law because interstate collection of child support debt is so burdensome on the custodial parent. State courts have jurisdiction over family matters like divorce and child support. This law makes it a federal crime to WILLFULLY fail to obey a child support order when you live in a different state.


June 25 1998

How much do you figure it costs to raise 1.6 kids?

The average 3br apt here is about $900/mo. If the children are of different sexes and need their own rooms, that's $600. If they are the same sex, then figure $375. Heat, light, gas and water average about $210/mo. That's another $140. Food is about $7 per child per day, or $420/mo. School supplies (paper, pens, notebooks, binders, book bags) cost about $20 per month per child. Toiletries, vitamins, otc medicine are about $20/mo each (you might be surprised at how much bandaids and tylenol cost). That's $975 to $1200/mo for the two.

I assume each child wears out one outfit per month and one pair of shoes every three months (mine go through a lot more, but they are hard on clothes). At a Target/Bradlees kind of store, you may get by with about $15 for shirts and $25 for pants. Figure $5/mo for socks and underwear, and $10/mo for shoes. Detergent costs about .50 per load (i assume fabric softener is a luxury). Clothes, sheets, towels, etc. come to about one load per child per day or $15/mo per child. Which reminds me, you absolutely have to count on at least $3/mo/child for sheets and towels. That's $73/mo/child. This does not include sports or winter clothing.

Okay, if my math is right, I come up with $1121 to $1346 for two, which is $896.8 to $1076.8 per month for 1.6 children. That is for a no-frills, food, clothing and shelter only lifestyle. Also, I left out a million little things like carpet cleaner and light bulbs.


Oops. I forgot child care. For preschool and summer you need to add at least $100 per week per child. That is an additional $693 per month for 1.6 children. Of course, school age children only need after school programs and babysitters when they are sick. So it's probably on half as much.

June 27 1998

The average 3br apt here is about $900/mo. If the children are of different sexes and need their own rooms, that's $600.

Wrong! Same old bullshit math. What is the cost of a single bedroom apartment? $750.?You would have that cost regarless. So the additional cost is only $150

When I was childless, I had room mates. I would be sharing a 3br with two other adults, at a cost of $300. The additional $600 is attributable to the children.

If they are the same sex, then figure $375. Heat, light, gas and water average about $210/mo.

Most of which you would have regardless. Figure $60 for the kids.

The children use at least as much of the utilities as I. Again, were I living with roommates, I would be paying 1/3 of the utilities.


School supplies (paper, pens, notebooks, binders, book bags) cost about $20 per month per child.

Get real. Maybe 40 per year per child......I send mine to a private school, you ahver to pay extra for everything.

Fine, but then you have to add in the cost of the private school.


That's $975 to $1200/mo for the two.

I assume each child wears out one outfit per month and one pair of shoes every three months (mine go through a lot more, but they are hard on clothes). At a Target/Bradlees kind of store, you may get by with about $15 for shirts and $25 for pants. Figure $5/mo for socks and underwear, and $10/mo for shoes. Detergent costs about .50 per load (i assume fabric softener is a luxury). Clothes, sheets, towels, etc. come to about one load per child per day or $15/mo per child.

Get real. how about two loads a week per child.

You know, I can't believe that I am stooping to argue about this. Every week I wash my children's school clothes, play clothes, pajamas, sheets, towels (at least I used to before they started doing it themselves). You cannot fit fourteen pair of pants, fourteen tops, three blankets, 7 sweatshirts, 5 sweaters, 7 pair of pajamas, a set of sheets, a pillow, at least 10 pair of socks, half a dozen towels, 7 pair of underwear and 7 bras in two wash loads.

Actually, I suppose you could do it with one of those huge machines at the laudramat that cost $4 per load. But everything would come out grey.


The feds pay foster care at what? 300-400 a month. BTW foster families do that for profit.

Obviously they don't.


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