Thursday, May 14, 1998


Dealing with a tantruming 9 year old

May 14 1998

I have a 9 year old SD who acts like a 3 year old. She has been babied all of her life (I came into the picture when she was 6) and throws tantrums, pouts, crys at the drop of a hat and back talks alot.

I've gone crazy with it (she lives with us all the time) until I decided this is MY house and I make the rules...I won't tolerate any of the above anymore. She wants to throw a tantrum, pout, cry (when she doesn't get what she wants) and talks back..she goes to her room..plain and simple. I told her I deserve respect (I give her plenty of respect) and she will not treat me like this. I can't tell her what to do with her father, but I can tell her what I expect.

Pretty much the same thing here. But what are you going to do? Kids have to learn that this behavior is not going to get them what they want in this world.

My problem is finding opportunities to give "positive" attention and not having all our interaction be reprimand and instruction. Sometimes I think that even saying, "Go to your room," is too much attention to pay. I know my SD does this stuff to get attention. I don't want to reward the behavior by giving her that attention, yet I don't want to let abusive behavior go unchecked. Any ideas?


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